High security printing is a new concept to Afghanistan. Presently, high value documents and many orders that involve movement of money in return, are printed by the Sukuk printing press, a government owned facility, but, with zero security solutions to the government documents.
Afghanistan High Security Printing (AHSP), is established based on a cabinet decision of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2018, with support of the German Development Cooperation, as the sole provider of high security documents in Afghanistan.
The demand for security-printing in Afghanistan has witnessed a gradual increase in recent years, as government officials become more aware of the benefits. A small number of security-printed documents are produced and imported from oversea. It is important, therefore, that internal production is used to meet local needs, with a secondary benefit of new employment being offered to upskilled local operators and technical specialists.
As awareness of benefits grows, so demand for security-printing is expected to rise. A number of factors will drive this growth in demand, for example;
- Raising awareness will increase demand while offering greater transparency in certification and government communication, to the point when this not only grows trust but is seen as essential to retain it.
- Demand for brand and patent protection will increase as more private sector entrepreneurs see growth in their business turnover and profitability, and in community social and cultural benefits, especially arising from export of products, such as high value certified saffron, fruits and grapes, as well as minerals and Afghan jewelry. The combatting of stiff competition from “knock-offs” or cheap copies will become significantly easier once trusted certificates of origin are available which cannot be easily and fraudulently copied.
- Changing consumer habits will demand more security and traceability features for quality products and guaranteed safe foods from known origins or with declared ingredients
Although some security-printed features are being adopted by both government and the private sector, the rate of adoption remains very low. This lack of awareness of the benefits of using security-printed document solutions is evident in the communities of both government and private business. Until there is a reliable supply this is unlikely to change. AHSP will counter these effects and by providing a local and effective solution, it will raise awareness and proactively impact market demand.
AHSP vision is to be the foremost, recognized, trusted and best “go-to” one stop shop providing sustainable security-printed document design, printing and consultancy solutions in Afghanistan and to the South-Central Asia region.
AHSP mission is to deliver creative and reliable anti-counterfeiting security-print solutions to its clients.
The Goal of AHSP is to support the Afghan government in its attempts to curb and eradicate counterfeiting, forgery, and corruption in the design and print of high value documents through introduction and widespread adoption of security-printed documents across Afghan society and ultimately across Afghanistan’s trade partners and South-Central Asia Region.
Products & Services:
AHSP’s main goal is to prevent forgery, tampering, and counterfeiting, by offering innovative and modern document security solutions. To achieve this, AHSP’s priority is to produce security documents required by Afghanistan’s government. As a secondary priority, private sector needs will be serviced, once the company has become established and meets those of government.
In addition to actual printing, AHSP will offer its clients consultancy and design services to support the design and introduction of products. This will add value to AHSP services and enhance the development of its full portfolio. The total service will then comprise the unique package of products and services which will be offered to potential clients

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